22ND/December 2022, PFR organized & held a corporate Retreat with all staff from head office and field offices. It was an interesting and diverse way to bring together team members in an organization. A way to bring teams closer and build a strong cohesive culture within our organization. The party mood was high with an immense joy to see all staff merry with greater compatibility & camaraderie hence promising post-retreat improved productivity. Such an annual event result in many benefits like building connectivity for teams, boost morale and give the organization greater ROI through increased motivation, innovation and productivity.

In amid of the event, there came another occasion to select & reward the best employee of the year 2022 It is a title that Prison Fellowship Rwanda bestowed upon an employee (or multiple employees) to mark their exceptional work, contribution, behavior, and/or success.
There’s nothing better than having someone (especially your employer) take notice of your effort, it can make your day, put a smile on your face, and boost your sense of connection to an organization. That’s a big reason why having an ‘Employee of the Year’ or ‘Employees of the Year’ award makes so much sense. After all, an employee recognition event is designed to highlight someone’s outstanding contribution, which leads to myriad benefits for the individual, the team, and, importantly, the employer as well.

Although all PFR’s staff/team worked hard all 2022 year round to deliver operational excellence, with dedication, motivated and ultimately brilliant at what they were doing, it was worth to appreciate their tireless support on programs and projects, publicly acknowledged their incredible input, impeccable attendance, and unparalleled punctuality.
Subsequently, during the award occasion, the best staff were selected from all 7 projects run withing PFR’s Program based on service qualities such as Length of service, Excellence in performance, Peer-to-peer communication and association, Leadership qualities, Personal accomplishments, Team accomplishments and Milestones crossed. Muramba Nicole from TCJ program was randomly selected the best employee of the year 2022 along with N. mugwaneza Yvonne the best from UNHCR project, Mutangana Emmanuel (Jojo) the best from Interpeace phased out project, Barabwiriza Faustin the best from TPJ program and Kangabe Jeanette the best from EKN phased out project.

On his remarks, the Executive Director of Prison Fellowship Rwanda, Bishop Gashagaza Deo appreciated all staff and mostly coordinators efforts towards the achievement and success of every project and programs but also encouraged them to improve their performance next year 2023 with creativity and innovations for professional growth and development in their careers. The ED further asserted that PFR is a Christian faith based organization that requires every staff to abide with the principles of God fearing as the main key to the success of organization.

The Event concluded with sharing food and drinks, games such as football, basket & volley ball and end year brainstorming & Innovation for the services we offer, Rebuild “Them and Us” culture and so forth.